Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fitness Milestones: Month 2

I am now 4 months post-pregnancy and 2.5 months back into working out. Unfortunately, I was injured for most of this past month and unable to run :-( A visit to the doctor only confirmed that I needed to take some time off running and I needed to retrain some muscles to avoid further injury. The doc wasn't sure if I pulled/irritated my piriformis muscle (a deep butt muscle) or if I strained my sacro-iliac joint. He was leaning towards joint issues since I had so many problems with all my pelvic joints while I was pregnant. It didn't really matter which it was, though, because treatment for both are pretty much the same. Stretching and building up all the muscles that stabilize the pelvis.

So I took 3 weeks off running, much to my dismay. I'm just starting to get back into it again. In fact, my first night back out running I thought it would be fun to do a 5 mile trail run. Ha! That was a mistake. I only ran about 2 miles before my hip/back hurt too much and then mom and I got lost in the woods. Ooops! We did find our way back eventually (obviously). However, three days later I ran my first post baby 5K. I ran it in 34:33 and I'm pretty proud of that. After only 6 weeks of training and a 3 week break I consider that time a success! I haven't tested myself to see what I can run a 2-mile in, but because of the big break in running this month I'm putting off testing myself until the end of October.

Sit-ups and push-ups are still improving. I could pass either if I had to take a PT test now, but just barely. Still working on it! I've taken up yoga this past month to help build those core muscles even more...not to mention the stretching is divine.

Tomorrow morning I'm headed in to do a cardio assessment with a personal trainer. I'm excited to see how efficiently my body processes oxygen and get an individualized work out plan to improve it. I also signed up for 4 personal training sessions this month and I've got 10 boot camp work out sessions to use before the end of November that I hope to start using this month. Lastly, I'm starting the training program for a 10K as soon as I get through the cardio assessment training plan. The goal is still to run a 10K on Thanksgiving.

As for the weight loss...I've only lost 5 pounds this month. Eh, I'm ok with that considering how much I had to cut back working out. I'm curious to see if I'm going to stall at this weight, though, since this is where I hovered at post pregnancy after both Evie and Lex until I stopped breast feeding. Apparently my body likes to hold onto those last few pounds until I'm done. I hope with the right exercise and eating habits I can continue to lose, at least slowly, since my goal weight is still 15 pounds away (and that's 10 pounds below pre-pregnancy too).

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