Wednesday, January 27, 2010

4 month check up

This morning we went for Lex's 4 month check up. He weighs in at 14 lbs 13 oz and is 25.3 inches tall. He's just under 6 inches shorter than Evie! I think he's going to be taller then her before we know it. The Dr made comments that Lex doesn't seem like a 4 month old. He would have guessed older! Apparently Lex's cooing doesn't sound much like cooing, the Dr thinks he's trying to form/mimic speech patterns already. He's also ahead with how he reaches for things and with trying to sit up on his own (he can almost tripod already when put in that position). Cool, maybe he'll walk sooner then Evie :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Shaun and I have been married 3 years today :)

Kid free date night tonight! Thanks to mom for babysitting over night!

Monday, January 25, 2010

He rolled!

Lex rolled for the first time today from his stomach to his back. He was completely surprised and a little shocked about it. So cute!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Potty

(a bit crabby here, and, yes, that's a clean diaper on the floor)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's kinda like Where's Waldo

Evie's newest thing is to go in her room, close the door, play for a bit, then scream for me to let her out. The screaming starts earlier if I go in there before she wants me to. So I was letting her play for a bit with the door closed for the umpteenth time today when she starts in with the screaming. I go in the room but don't immediately see her. She starts telling me she's stuck. Hmmm...

I just laughed and then went to grab my camera.

She eventually got out on her own.

My lil Lex

Here he looks sooooo long. Much longer than Evie was. I can't wait to see how long he is at our next doctor visit.

Thoughtful little man.

And these last two he's just getting sick of me taking pictures. I think we went through 50 or so today.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

She's crazy, I say, CRAZY!

One day she'll hate me for posting these where all can see :)

Friday, January 1, 2010


I'm figuring out this video thing. Whenever I try to upload some from our video camera they seem to take f.o.r.e.v.e.r. Now I can take video with my ipod! They are smaller files and easier to upload. Here are a couple from the past few days:

And my sick little kiddo :( She actually had her first real puking experience on New Year's Eve. You can hear in these videos that she's loosing her voice.