Monday, August 31, 2009

Standing in the crib

She's finally doing it on her own. She has been able to stand up by herself for about a month now, but she rarely does it because she prefers to scream at your ankles until she has a finger to grab onto. Today she pulled herself up on my pant leg a couple of times, giggling all the while. Then when I went in to see why she wasn't napping this afternoon I found her standing in the crib. Guess it's time to be more diligent about putting the sides up!

Congratulations Shaun!

Today was Shaun's promotion ceremony. Yay! Congrats hun!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Tea Party (and other cuteness)

Pictures will come later today

Ok, lame title, but I didn't want to label another post with something about teeth. Lol. Evie's top two lateral incisors finally broke through yesterday and today. Gotta love that she does her hardest teething whenever Shaun's out of town. I swear he never sees 'cranky Evie'. Perhaps she's already working him to believe she's an innocent little princess 100% of the time, lol.

The newest cute thing she's been doing is knowing when she's doing something wrong. There are certain things, like chewing on computer cords, that she's not allowed to do and she understands that without having to be told. She'll still do it anyways, though, if she thinks she can get away with it. She'll look to see where I am, quickly start doing whatever she's not supposed to do, and then completely jump out of her skin if I sneak up on her and 'catch' her doing whatever it is she's not supposed to be doing. Sure, it's cute now, but I'm sure I'll grow to hate it as she gets older.

Anyways, as the title promises, pictures to come later.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

34 weeks

In the home stretch!

On Friday last week I freaked out a bit because I started getting contractions (mild, BH type ones) 5-10 minutes apart late in the afternoon. I timed 9 in one hour at the worst point. Shaun finally got home and I was able to down 80 oz of water and lay down. The contractions calmed down a bit but didn't go away. I went to bed as soon as Evie did. Overnight I had about 5 contractions that were strong enough to wake me up. With lots of help from Shaun, they stayed at less than 4 per hour for the rest of the weekend.

This morning was my midwife appointment. I told her all about the weekend contraction drama and she checked to see if there was anything going on. Nope, just more contractions from my body getting tired as the day goes on. The cervix is softening and shortening but no dilation yet. She did request that I start weekly appointments earlier than normal, though, so there's another appointment to see her next week.

On that note, I'm going to try my best not to have to bring Evie with to my appointments. She does not like sitting in the stroller that long and it's hard to have the midwife check the baby with Evie crawling around!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

At one year

I'm about a week overdue for this post, so here goes nothing...

I can't believe my baby girl is already a 1 year old! August 15th, 2008, at around 10:30 pm, I knew the contractions were different and that we were safe to head to the hospital. Finally, after 3 days of contractions 6-8 mins apart, I was in real labor and about to meet my little girl. After a fairly easy labor and delivery Evelyn Margaret was born at 9:22 am August 16th, 2008. Not a day has gone by since then where she hasn't amazed me.

Then: 8lbs 1oz, 21 in

Now: 21lbs 4oz, 29 in
Earlier this week we had her one year check up at the pediatrician's office. She's around the 50th percentile for height and weight. She also had to get three shots - Hep A, Hep B and Prevnar. No MMR or chicken pox vaccines until the next appointment, which I was surprised about since most doctors do those at the 12 month visit. I think Evie didn't get them because she was still playing catch up on her Hep B shot. Anyways, she was a trouper while getting them. She cried, of course, but quickly calmed down when I got to pick her up and give her lots of hugs and kisses. She turned around and gave the nurse an evil glare. In my head she was definitely saying "you bitch!" with a glare like that. Not sure where she would have inherited a glare from. :-)

She has changed so dramatically over the past 12 months. Gone from a tiny baby barely able to open her eyes to an ever independent growing almost toddler. She's butt scooting (mixed in with a bit of crawling), standing, and trying so hard to walk. She talks up a storm with a vocabulary of Mama, Dada, hi, bye, dog, bear, book, duck, yes and no consistantly, and ball, milk, baby and up inconsistantly. She uses hi and bye to flirt with every person we see out in public, especially little kids. She is completely off of bottles and baby food purees, prefering sippy cups of whole milk and finger food versions of whatever we're eating. We're getting full 10.5-12 hour nights of sleep, with two 1.5 hour naps a day. Every day she asserts herself more and more, letting you know exactly what she wants and when she wants it. I can definitely feel the dramatic toddler in her emerging each day, much to my dismay. Part of me wants to hold onto the baby in her, but a bigger part of me looks forward to what changes this next year will bring.

If this past year is any indication of how fast the rest of my life is going to flash before me I can definitely see where people fear getting older, lol. This past year has been the best of my life thus far and I barely feel as though I've had a chance to fully enjoy it for how fast it has flown by!

Apparently Evie thinks I don't post enough lately

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Photos from Meg

Check her out at
Megan will have a website for her photography up and running soon, I'll post the site then too.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Happy birthday Evelyn!!

Ah! My little girl is one?!?

Longer post to come later, just wanted to say happy birthday on the blog before today got incredibly busy.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


A very long time ago Grandma Jane gave Evelyn a pink tutu. She was much too small at the time to wear the tutu but she's finally grown into it. Yesterday we decided to take some time to play in it!
Walking around with Dad. She didn't even really acknowledge she was wearing the tutu.
And then the tickle monster attacked!
Finish up with some teddy bear kisses.

Friday, August 7, 2009

A pic from 31 weeks

We're now at the 32 week mark but I'm just uploading a picture from last week. Getting so close now! Five weeks until full term, eight weeks until the due date!