Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pictures will come later today

Ok, lame title, but I didn't want to label another post with something about teeth. Lol. Evie's top two lateral incisors finally broke through yesterday and today. Gotta love that she does her hardest teething whenever Shaun's out of town. I swear he never sees 'cranky Evie'. Perhaps she's already working him to believe she's an innocent little princess 100% of the time, lol.

The newest cute thing she's been doing is knowing when she's doing something wrong. There are certain things, like chewing on computer cords, that she's not allowed to do and she understands that without having to be told. She'll still do it anyways, though, if she thinks she can get away with it. She'll look to see where I am, quickly start doing whatever she's not supposed to do, and then completely jump out of her skin if I sneak up on her and 'catch' her doing whatever it is she's not supposed to be doing. Sure, it's cute now, but I'm sure I'll grow to hate it as she gets older.

Anyways, as the title promises, pictures to come later.

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