Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Run Evie, Run!

Quick update

Both kids have started daycare! They both also seem to love it. The only downfall is that Lex is NOT sleeping at daycare. Yesterday he only napped for 30 min the entire day. Ouch! Made for one heck of a rough evening/night. I love that they are getting so much socialization and structured activity. I've been feeling like a failure of a mom with regards to actually teaching them anything only to feel much better since they started at daycare. Lex is right on par for where he should be and Evie actually seems ahead! Her teachers are impressed with how much she talks and how much she knows. She goes around the room naming animals, shapes, colors, etc. They're impressed by her recognition and correct naming of most animals, colors, and shapes! She also attempts counting (though only correctly counts to 2, lol). As predicted, she's the most talkative in her class.

I, unfortunately, threw out my back during day 2 of officer candidate school. I'm now home, signed up for physical therapy, and am looking at restarting OCS next June. School starts for me again in three short weeks, I've signed up for volunteering at a local hospital, and I'm looking for part time work. Shaun's work has been just as crazy as usual, but, happily, he's not out of town this entire month!