Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Naps happen

Ok, so this one is a couple weeks old, but I've still got to share. Kristen inspired the sharing.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy birthday Mom!

Today's her birthday and it's after 5 o'clock...where is she at? It will only take one guess for most of you ;-P

Ever have a baby lose their voice?

Evie has today. She's just miserable. Lots of love and tylenol is really all we can give her. Hope she gets better soon. It's heartbreaking when she's silent crying :(

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Excited big sister

(ignore the awful hair on mom...geez, I look a bit tired)

Kick kick kick

Almost forgot how much I love this feeling :-)

I've been able to feel kicks more and more each day. This morning I woke up to the baby just kicking up a storm. Seems like this one's going to be just as active in utero as Evie.

Wordless Wednesday post to come later today, when I get home and can upload a picture. Maybe she'll let me get a pic of her teeth! Good luck on that one, though, since she's really stubborn about letting us see into her mouth.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


For real this time. Not the kind that pop out only to go away after a day or two (yes the last one disappeared). She's got two on the bottom that should be completely through in a day or two. One was even slightly bleeding today. Poor girl has been so cranky, and now we know why.

Monday, April 20, 2009

For those of you who need the reminder...

A certain Grandma's birthday is one week from today. Thought I'd throw that out there in case you need time to plan out gift giving. :-)

Don't worry mom, I won't post your age!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Evie's first ear infection

She's been feeling pretty crappy for a couple of days now. We thought she just had a cold. The coughing was getting worse and it was actually making her projectile vomit from time to time. So I called the ped's nurse to see if there was anything we could give her to help her feel better. The nurse suggested that we bring her in. So Jane was kind enough to do that for us today. Turns out Evie has a double ear infection, and it's really bad in the left ear. Poor girl. You can hardly tell she's sick if it weren't for the coughing and terrible sleeping. She's up to 17lbs 11oz now.

And the newest little one? Well s/he is still giving me morning sickness. This weekend I decided to try not taking the morning (all day) sickness meds and it didn't go over too well. I saw Easter dinner more than once. I was puking so violently that I actually burst a bunch of blood vessels around my eyes and on my forehead. I've got red dots everywhere! At least I'm feeling little kicks a couple times a day.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Not so Wordless Wednesday: "School" Pictures

So on this day Evie decided to sleep through the time we needed to leave the house. On days like this I don't get a chance to dress her. I transfer her to the carseat from the crib so she can keep sleeping. However, I do bring a set of clothes for the daycare to change her into. I knew there were pictures this day and I asked them to change her before pictures. Obviously this didn't happen. Evie's first "school" pictures are in her pj's, lol. There is a class picture too, but since I don't know how the parents of the other children would feel, I'm not posting it. It is cute though.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Patience is a virtue I lack

I keep counting down the days until we can get an ultrasound to determine the baby's sex. I need to be at least 18 weeks. Still four weeks away...

I'll be scheduling the ultrasound during my appointment next week. (4/16)