Monday, March 30, 2009

Family pictures

A couple weekends ago we finally decided to get family photos taken. We had been putting it off since about Christmas. I wanted to get them done before I started looking hugely pregnant again. Evie loved the entire session. A smiling, happy baby the whole time. Take a look:

Monday, March 23, 2009

I think I'll go throw up now...

Isn't the second trimester supposed to be an easing of the morning sickness blues? Apparently not for me today. Welcome to the 13th week!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Evie's doctor visit

Last night (well, early this morning) we had a very rough patch with Evie. There was lots of screaming on her part so I took her to the doctor this morning to make sure she didn't have an ear infection or something else causing her pain. Good news is, she doesn't have an ear infection or strep (the doctor thought she might). Bad news is, she caught some skin rash that was going around daycare. So we're home today treating it.

She's over 17 lbs now! That's 1.5 pounds in a month!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

1st prenatal visit, round 2

Saw the midwife today for the 1st prenatal visit with the new little one. I kept laughing in my head at all they were telling me about what to expect with pregnancy, how the appointments are set up, and what I can/cannot do while pregnant. I just rolled my eyes and told them I hadn't forgotten in the past year how this worked. Evie is only 7 months old, lol.

Oh well. The baby is doing great. Fast little heart beat at 172 bpm. This one isn't hiding out like Evie used to like to. Found the heart beat right away. I haven't gained any weight yet (yes!) and have actually lost 1 lb. I feel like I've been eating a ton, but apparently I've been burning it off too.

Monday, March 16, 2009

7 months

So what's new with Evie? She's got "da-da" down and we're getting close on the "ma-ma". She's eating just about any baby puree foods. We've introduced finger foods (cheerios, teething biscuits, cookies, apples, bananas, necturines, etc). Still no interest in moving anywhere. Can, but doesn't care about rolling. Apparently she has no motivation to crawl. She's perfectly content to sit there. I swear she's hit a growth spurt the last week or so. She certainly feels heavier. There are some teeth coming in. Not sure which one will pop through but the entire bottom row is swollen. She's been sleeping fairly well. Gets up once, maybe twice at night.

Things are hectic but we're loving every minute!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Boy or Girl?

People keep asking me which I want for this next baby. Truthfully, I will be ecstatic with either. Here's why:

Girl - our girls would be the same distance apart in age that Jynelle and I are. We were really close growing up (with the exception of a couple hormone driven crazy teenage years) and are really good friends now. It'd be nice if they are both girls and could have a chance to experience that.

Boy - it'd be nice to have one of each, especially if we don't have any more (which is possible). Also, my dad had 3 girls, no boys. It'd be nice for him to have a grandson to do 'boy' things with. Lastly, in Evie's generation on Shaun's side of the family, there are only girls so far. This one would be his grandpa's first great-grandson.

So, yes, I don't care whether we have a boy or a girl. I would just love a healthy baby to add to our family. For those of you who are interested, though, we will be finding out whether Evie is getting a brother or sister at our 20 weeks ultrasound sometime mid-May.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My poor baby

Today was the first day she was sent home from daycare, and it was her first day back in almost 3 weeks! She didn't eat at all for them until 10, and even then it was only solids, no bottle. She took a nap and when she woke up she puked 3 times! They were finally able to get her to take a bottle at 1:30, 6 hours after the last bottle I gave her. Then she had a major blowout and they called me. Shaun had to go pick her up. She seems to be doing better now, but she's been napping for the past hour. Hopefully she's feeling better.

Wordless Wednesday: Feet