Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Run Evie, Run!

Quick update

Both kids have started daycare! They both also seem to love it. The only downfall is that Lex is NOT sleeping at daycare. Yesterday he only napped for 30 min the entire day. Ouch! Made for one heck of a rough evening/night. I love that they are getting so much socialization and structured activity. I've been feeling like a failure of a mom with regards to actually teaching them anything only to feel much better since they started at daycare. Lex is right on par for where he should be and Evie actually seems ahead! Her teachers are impressed with how much she talks and how much she knows. She goes around the room naming animals, shapes, colors, etc. They're impressed by her recognition and correct naming of most animals, colors, and shapes! She also attempts counting (though only correctly counts to 2, lol). As predicted, she's the most talkative in her class.

I, unfortunately, threw out my back during day 2 of officer candidate school. I'm now home, signed up for physical therapy, and am looking at restarting OCS next June. School starts for me again in three short weeks, I've signed up for volunteering at a local hospital, and I'm looking for part time work. Shaun's work has been just as crazy as usual, but, happily, he's not out of town this entire month!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

...and life goes on

I really was doing great about blogging for almost 2 years, and then, BAM! I can't seem to find any time to blog any more. WTHeck's goin on? Lot's of stuff. Too much apparently to find the time to blog anymore. Here are a few highlights:

Lex is now 9 months old. He weighs 19 lbs 10 oz at 28 in long (per yesterday's dr visit). He's crawling, standing and trying to cruise. His vocabulary includes a whopping 5 words (mama, dada, nana, papa and hi). And he eats. No really, this kid eats and eats and eats. He eats more than Evie at most meals. It's a wonder to where all that food is going because he's still in the 25-30% for weight. His sleeping habits have barely improved. On bad nights he's up every 1-2 hours, on good nights he'll sleep upwards of 10 hours. Very unpredictable. I swear there's nothing different we do from one night to the next but he's so darn finicky. He's still the cutest little boy I've ever met (even at 2 am) and saves an extra special smile just for his mom.

Evie is 22 months old. She weighs right around 27 lbs and we haven't had an accurate height for her since 12 months old. She doesn't stay still long enough for us to measure. Best estimate is around 32-33 in. Lex is going to catch up soon enough. While Lex's forte seems to be food, Evie's is talking. Non-stop from the moment she wakes until the moment she's asleep. And even then she likes to throw out a few words while in dream land. My mom was lucky enough to be the first to receive an "I love you" from Evie. It was over the phone, without prompting and incredibly cute. Eating is hit or miss. She likes to play a game common to toddlers called "how few calories can I consume and still survive." Frustrating on days where she consumes nothing but milk. Evie's still the cutest little girl I know, even through the awesome tantrums she's keen to lately.

I'm still playing the role of stay at home mom, but that will be changing in just about a month. I re-enlisted into the National Guard after an almost 2 year hiatus. My first drill is this weekend. July 30th I ship out to Maryland for phase one of Officer Candidate School. August 2011 I'll be commissioned! After getting back from NG commitments I'll be going back to school full time with the goal of getting my Master's. I just completed the second of my pre-req's with an A (yay!). I'm a bit worried about the kids both going to daycare full time. I know Evie loves it, but Lex doesn't like to be away for periods of time. I think it will be good for both of them (not to mention me!) but the transition will be hard. I'm also back to a regular work out routine. I've fallen in love with running...not something I thought I'd ever do. I'm slow and I don't go far (nothing over a 5k so far), but enjoying it is half (75%?) of the battle. I just came down with a 103 fever, bronchitis and a sinus infection, so running is on hold for a few days.

Shaun's been great. After years of trying, he has finally completely quit smoking! Work has had him out of town a bit the past couple of months. He's looking at possibly changing jobs (within his unit) in the next few months. Hmmm...I forgot to ask if it would mean less/the same/more travel? Hopefully not more! Last weekend he officiated his first wedding. He did great and had a blast. Three more requests came in for him to officiate other weddings.

Overall, we're doing well, if busy. I promise to try to get on and post more! Though do expect a 3 week break while I'm out of town in August.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Evie never crawled until after she walked. We've been working hard and hoping that Lex will crawl (I think he'd be happier if he could get around). Yesterday he started doing a variation on an army crawl, kind of looks like an inch worm when he does it. He's getting so close to being mobile!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bad blogger?

Who says I haven't posted in almost 2 months? Prove it!

Ha! Anyways, be sure to check out the past TWO pages of the blog. I've done some catching up.

Wordless Wednesday: First haircut

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lex is standing!

Lex has decided that he wants to be mobile a lot earlier than Evie did. He's started scooting on his butt, attempting to get on his knees for crawling, and today he pulled himself up to standing!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Wishing a wonderful mother's day to all the women who make a difference in a child's life!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today's the day, we love you! Happy Birthday!