Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Baby #2 should be soon!

I am officially dilated to 4 cm! The midwife offered to break my water today and see how things progressed but Shaun's 2.5 hours out of town and I at least would want to wait until he gets home. I'm really thinking this baby will make an appearance on his own, if not today, by the end of the week at the latest. So excited!!

Happy Birthday!

Today is both Jane and Tori's birthdays! Happy birthday both of you!

Hopefully we'll be adding another birthday today...I'll update after my appointment.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

More photos from Megan!

More great images from Megan J Kane! I'll admit she did need to talk me into getting my photo taken. Any of you who have been pregnant before can attest to how big/awful you feel towards the end of pregnancy, but I'm very glad I was talked into taking these photos. Thank you so much Meg! They turned out great, even though we were all half cranky and Evie was sooooo ready for bed. These were taken out at Lake Phalen.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The count down begins again

Another short post here...

A trip to the midwife today confirms that I'm finally dilating. At a soft 1 cm and fully effaced. Scheduled a sweep for the 22nd and hoping the baby comes soon after that (as in that day!). Midwife estimates that the baby is still less than Evie's 8lbs 1oz birth weight, but we are only at 37 weeks, so who knows. Evie was born at 39 weeks.

Número nueve

As if being sick isn't hard enough on Evie, she's teething tooth #9. I saw the bottom right canine poking through yesterday! I think #10, bottom left canine, is following closely too.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Flu

Gotta love it, right? Um, no.

I started feeling ill last Wednesday and debated making a trip to the Dr on Thursday, but there was no fever so I decided to put it off. On Friday I could barely get out of bed and with a steady dose of Tylenol my temp continued to climb past the 101.5 mark. Off to the Dr I went. Over 2 hours later, a steady temp somewhere above 102, a heart rate sitting down of 116, and a rapid flu test, it was determined that I do in fact have the flu. The Dr tried to get approval from the state to do an H1N1 test but that got denied (because I'm not in the hospital, haven't been around pigs, and no one I know has tested positive for H1N1 - it's an expensive test so they limit it). So they're just treating me as if I do have H1N1. It's an interesting antiviral drug that you inhale in powder form.

They also put Evie on Tamaflu. Which is difficult to find. We had to go to 3 different pharmacies to find one that had it in stock, and she got the last dose they had (my stuff was out of stock at one pharmacy). We've been hearing all these warnings on TV about how there is this flu pandemic and the flu season has started early this year, but the pharmacies aren't adequately stocked with antivirals for the flu? Doesn't make much sense to me.

Anyways, it took 4 hours to finally get my temp down from 102 and over 6 hours to get my contractions under control. They were coming every 3-10 mins while I was laying down and pushing fluids. Thought for a while there I was going to have to make a trip back to the hospital for IV fluids. Yesterday and today have been much better. No fever and no overwhelming need to stay in bed, just easily tired out and winded with aches well controlled on Tylenol. Evie seems to be reaching a peak in coughing, fatigue and fever today...so hopefully she's feeling better soon too! She's in good spirits through it all, though, so that's a plus.

Now my question is, do Evie and I still need the flu shot this year? Or does catching it make us immune for the rest of the season? Or, since they didn't test for the type of flu, are they going to still recommend that we get the regular flu shot and the H1N1 vaccine when it's available? I guess I'll find out at my 37 week appointment with the midwife later this week.

FULL TERM - in case you didn't get the memo dearest little one, this means you can come out at any time! Please do!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What a day

Today is turning out to be an interesting day, and it's only 9 am!

Evie woke up at 4 am. Not sure why she did, but thank you Shaun for getting up with her. I'm going to take the shift tonight to see why she's waking early the past couple days.

I also had another check up with the midwife. Everything is looking good with me and the baby. Apparently they are considering me dilated, even after the confusing appointment last week. So they did the GBS test a week early. I didn't get an internal check this week since last week's hurt too much. Weighing the discomfort verses my curiosity led to not wanting the internal enough. Next week I'll update if there is any progress.

Then I get home to a daughter who thinks she's a dog. She has discovered the dog kennel and has decided it is her new favorite toy. Since Shaun just cleaned it thoroughly I just let her keep playing. Lol. If she was still playing with it I would take a picture to post, but she seems done for now.

Lastly, thanks to Shaun's expert diapering skills, Evie was essentially wearing a thong and pooped all over the living room floor! It's so easy to clean baby poop off the floor while she's clinging to your 9 month pregnant self.

I'm getting even by letting her entertain herself with his football magazine he left laying out. I think I hear tearing :)

*sigh* Is it nap time yet?