Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What a day

Today is turning out to be an interesting day, and it's only 9 am!

Evie woke up at 4 am. Not sure why she did, but thank you Shaun for getting up with her. I'm going to take the shift tonight to see why she's waking early the past couple days.

I also had another check up with the midwife. Everything is looking good with me and the baby. Apparently they are considering me dilated, even after the confusing appointment last week. So they did the GBS test a week early. I didn't get an internal check this week since last week's hurt too much. Weighing the discomfort verses my curiosity led to not wanting the internal enough. Next week I'll update if there is any progress.

Then I get home to a daughter who thinks she's a dog. She has discovered the dog kennel and has decided it is her new favorite toy. Since Shaun just cleaned it thoroughly I just let her keep playing. Lol. If she was still playing with it I would take a picture to post, but she seems done for now.

Lastly, thanks to Shaun's expert diapering skills, Evie was essentially wearing a thong and pooped all over the living room floor! It's so easy to clean baby poop off the floor while she's clinging to your 9 month pregnant self.

I'm getting even by letting her entertain herself with his football magazine he left laying out. I think I hear tearing :)

*sigh* Is it nap time yet?

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