Monday, February 22, 2010

Some videos from the phone

Evie stacking blocks. This was the first time I ever saw her attempt it. I was trying to get a picture of her using her head to knock the blocks over. Definitely looked like a little kid interested in karate! But she stopped doing it when I pulled out my phone.

Baby Giggles

And here's Shaun just being Shaun, lol. I blame this on a general lack of sleep we get around here.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Playing Catch Up

I've been trying to write this post for almost 3 weeks. I keep starting or continuing to type and then get interrupted! Things have been a little hectic around here lately so the blog posts have been lacking. There have been few pictures and fewer words. With this post, I promise to bring you up to date.

I survived Shaun's 11 day out of town trip. More importantly, so did the kids :) A couple days were touch-and-go from the lack of sleep but each time alone I seem to handle better than the time before.

Towards the end of Shaun's trip came my birthday weekend. It was phenomenal! My sister came into town and we (sister, Lex, Evie, my mom and me) all went to a hotel on that Friday night. I'm thinking, while the experience was fun, I won't be attempting it again until the kids are older. Not much sleep was had by anyone. Saturday morning we had passes to Water Park of America. It was a blast. Both Evie and Lex played for a bit in the wave pool then went down a few smaller water slides. Towards the end my mom and sister took Evie down one of the bigger slides where you sit in a big raft to go down. Evie didn't seem to like it too much and it ended the day. She refused to go down any slides after that. Then Saturday night my mom, sister and I went to the Brad Paisley concert. It was a blast! Sunday, my actual birthday, Shaun came home.

Then Shaun and I celebrated our anniversary (the 26th) by getting out for an evening without the kids. Major thanks to my mom for braving the overnight babysitting!

I've been trying to get out on a regular basis with the kids. Lots of trips to the gym, a Tornado Toddler class (that was soooo not worth the money), mall walks, playdates and church group. It's getting hard to balance the cabin fever Evie and I feel with Lex's need for scheduled sleep. We're learning the hard way all over again that missed sleep for a baby means worse sleep later in the day (or at night).

Since I started this post, Shaun went out of town again. This time didn't go so great since both kids were sick :( John's birthday was earlier this week (happy birthday and sorry for the missed shout out) and Jynelle's birthday is coming up next week. We're taking a trip to Nebraska to see her this weekend (me, mom, Evie and Lex).

Gah, long post. Here are a few videos:

Wordless Wednesday: Shopping, kid style