Tuesday, August 25, 2009

34 weeks

In the home stretch!

On Friday last week I freaked out a bit because I started getting contractions (mild, BH type ones) 5-10 minutes apart late in the afternoon. I timed 9 in one hour at the worst point. Shaun finally got home and I was able to down 80 oz of water and lay down. The contractions calmed down a bit but didn't go away. I went to bed as soon as Evie did. Overnight I had about 5 contractions that were strong enough to wake me up. With lots of help from Shaun, they stayed at less than 4 per hour for the rest of the weekend.

This morning was my midwife appointment. I told her all about the weekend contraction drama and she checked to see if there was anything going on. Nope, just more contractions from my body getting tired as the day goes on. The cervix is softening and shortening but no dilation yet. She did request that I start weekly appointments earlier than normal, though, so there's another appointment to see her next week.

On that note, I'm going to try my best not to have to bring Evie with to my appointments. She does not like sitting in the stroller that long and it's hard to have the midwife check the baby with Evie crawling around!

1 comment:

Dream Girl said...

Yikes. Well you guys better decide on a name! I hope you'll be feeling ok to see Anna this weekend when she's here. I'll call you!