Friday, October 28, 2011

I'm a graduate student

So, I'm not sure how many people know this already, but I've been working towards going back to school for nursing. I had about 7 pre-req classes over the past year and a half I had to take before applying and, in total, I applied to 4 schools. I applied to 3 Associate degree programs and one Master's program. I was denied even being considered into the first school because I messed up the paperwork. Major dumb move on my part but it was one of those live and learn moments. The second school I was accepted into but it was a private school and tuition ran into the $500+ per credit range. Ouch! So I actually turned that down. The third program said I met qualifications, but I didn't score high enough on their rubric scale to gain acceptance.

By this point in time I was majorly bummed. Really? If 3 Associate degree programs didn't pan out, what hope did I have for the Master's degree program? So, just this week, I seriously started the hunt for a full time job. I applied to 10. Then today...

I got my acceptance into an Entry Level Master's of Science in Nursing degree program! It's an intense full time course load over 7 semesters (including summers) so I'll graduate in about 2.5 years. After a little less than a year of study I'll qualify for my LPN (it's required before clinicals). The program is 29 undergrad credits and 31 graduate credits. In the end I'll be an RN with a Master's degree.

My mind is racing about a million miles per minute right now and I'm having a hard time grasping the news. They only accept about 30 students per year into this program. I seriously was thinking I had no shot at getting in. I have to turn in my acceptance form by Nov 11th (uh, that thing's going in the mail tomorrow) and then I'll get more information about orientation and registration for the spring semester. I CANNOT WAIT!

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