Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sophia: the 3rd month

My "little" girl is 3 months old! It's so bitter sweet to see these milestones pass for the last time. As of a week ago, we are officially DONE having kids (thanks, hun, for taking one for the team!).

So what's up with miss 'phia? Well, first of all, she's as cute as ever. Wait? You don't know if you can agree with me?! just haven't seen any recent pictures. Here, let me indulge you:

"Helping" Sophia with her tummy time.

"No pics mom! I'm naked."

Napping, on the floor, unswaddled (a-maz-ing)


Biggest smiles reserved for the ceiling fan.

More tummy time.

As for the other developmental stuff, here goes -

I weighed her today at 14 lbs, 6 oz! No idea on her height (she's already in bed or I'd check) but my guess is at least 24 inches.

She's still exclusively getting breast milk. Hurray! She has been getting quite a few bottles lately since I have really stepped up my work hours. Last week I worked 30 hours, this week 27. But I also now have a freezer stash of 600 ounces!! So even with me working a lot, she's going to be on breast milk for a while ;-)

Sweet, sweet Sophia also sleeps 6-8 hours in a row at night. Seriously, we could not have been blessed with a better 3rd baby. It's like she knows we're running on empty as is and she just wants to slide into our already hectic lives. I love her all the more for her easiness.

The babbling and cooing has increased tenfold lately. I love listening to her sweet voice. Any time the older two gives us a lull in conversation Sophia makes sure to get her two cents in as well. She has also started laughing this past month. Her first giggle went to me, but daddy sure gets a LOT more out of her than I do. It's ok kiddo, I think daddy's funny too.

She's doing better at tummy time too. She'll lift her head up quite far, but not often, nor does she do it for camera. Little stinker! She also loves to sit. I wouldn't be surprised if she's our earliest independent sitter. She's been able to sit in the bumbo for a while now.

That's all I've got for now but I'll be back tomorrow with another blog (I'm starting to type it tonight).

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