Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lex, 2 years old

My little man is growing so fast! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEXANDER!

Yep, this day 2 years ago we added another little person to our family. The birth of Alexander Thomas put our family into the stereotypical American family category. Two parents, house, dog, two kids; one girl and one boy...all we needed that that white picket fence, lol. soon as Evie was born we were already planning to get pregnant again as soon as possible for two reasons 1) since it took so long to get pregnant with Evie we weren't sure how long it would take for baby number two and 2) my next younger sister and I are 13 months apart in age and I felt that was a perfect age gap. Five months after Evie was born we found out I was pregnant again. Perfect! That put us at about 13.5-14 months for an age gap.

Ummm...yeah, siblings that close in age is great from the perspective of the kids. I didn't put enough consideration into how hard it is on the parents. Lex came into this world surrounded by what would be the last minute of calm our family would experience. He was a great baby with bad sleeping habits. Evie took to him right away and it took no time at all to see them start to form a bond that will (hopefully) last them the rest of their lives.

I was blessed to be able to stay home the entire first year of Lex's life. He grew so fast, faster than Evie, and it was nice to be able to enjoy each of those many milestones babies go through in that first year. This past year he has bloomed into his own personality. He still adores and follows Evie everywhere. Copying things she says and does, but he is also an individual.

He's our rough and tumble little boy. He enters into his second birthday with 'road rash' across his face (wait til you see the pics). He jumps, climbs and runs head first down hills. I fully expect he'll be our first ER visit for an injury of any of the kids, though hopefully not for quite some time to come.

He loves super heros, cars, dinosaurs and Diego. He talks, he sings, he loves church and his sisters. He's helpful and compassionate. I don't think it's possible to ask for a better kid. I love my little man to pieces and I'm looking to celebrating decades upon decades of future birthdays with him.

*MUAH* Happy birthday Lex!

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