Thursday, March 11, 2010

Toddlers, tantrums and terrible sleep

Evie has been throwing pretty good tantrums lately. Me too, some days. Oh, heck, even Shaun does. Lex seems to be the only one going without tantrums these days. Terrible two's my butt. Evie's tantrums only seem to stem from being told 'no' and it takes all my will power to stick to my decisions and not give in. I mean, 3 cookies for breakfast is just pushing it too far :) No, seriously, how do you deal with the tantrums? The best I can come up with is distracting her or, when that fails, just ignoring her. Are there any good books out there that have better solutions than that? Any BTDT parents who can give me some idea as to how long this phase will last? I want my happy, easy going girl back!

The tantrums coming from me and Shaun worry me as well. BUT I think I've got the cause of those pin pointed - no sleep! The obvious solution - get some sleep! Someone please send the memo to Lex. He goes down for bed around 8 and is up for the day at 7. On a good night he only wakes 2 times and goes back to sleep easily after eating. On a bad night he's up every 1.5-2 hours and refuses to go back to sleep. There have been a few miraculous nights where he wakes only once, but those nights only happen when he's in the swing, and we're trying very hard to get him into the crib full time. Well, he would be in the crib full time if Shaun didn't cave at 4 am and put him in the swing. We're sooooo close to being done with that thing. During the day he's taking about 3 one hour naps. Sometimes 1.5 hours, but that's rare. So total he's getting around 14 hours of sleep per day, about the same as Evie. That's pretty close to what's recommended for their ages (14.5 for Lex and 13.5 for Evie). If only he would sleep in longer stretches throughout the night! Also, any tips for stopping swaddling? I'm not planning to do it right now but just want the info for future reference. I don't remember how we stopped with Evie.

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