Thursday, July 14, 2011

The work dilemma

To work or not to work (outside the home that is)? Ok, well it's really a matter of do I work full time or stick to the two part time jobs I've got (National Guard and Life Time). One of my co-workers at Life Time is also her church preschool director. Not really expecting the response I got, one day I asked her if she was hiring any teachers anytime soon. She said yes! An hour long conversation ensued about my qualifications (I have 2 years of early childhood ed schooling and was previously state certified as a preschool teacher with that other awful company). She was sold and asked me to come into her office to discuss the job further. Today I met with her and, honestly, would love the job. It's a before and after school care program, the school being 4 hours of preschool, so I would work 7-9 in the morning and again 1-5 in the afternoons. With prep time it's about 35 hours a week but some weeks would end up being less. The school runs on the same calender as the local schools so there are plenty of holidays and summers off. The pay's not bad for a preschool teacher either. Originally she even said she'd be ok with me bringing Sophia (or Evie or Lex) into work with me if I needed to.

So what's the problem? Well, today she seemed less than keen on the idea of Sophia being there, which I completely understand. The youngest kid at this preschool is 3 years old and she's not sure licensing would be on board with an infant being there. However, because of the schedule she would want me to work, the kids would end up in daycare from 6:30 am to 5:30 pm on the days Shaun was out of town (4:30 pm when he's around). The older two would be ok with the longer days occasionally but there's no way I want Sophia in someone else's care 11 hours a day even if it is just when Shaun's gone. Also, the weeks where I'd end up working less that 35 hours we'd at best be breaking even with what we owe daycare. Essentially I'd be working for free. Lastly, what happens if I am accepted into nursing school? I'd be starting in January and she's looking for someone to work the entire school year.

So I'm not entirely sure what to do. The extra pay a full time job would bring in (although I'd only bring in about $1000 per month after daycare costs) would be nice to have. I'm just not sure about all the other stuff. Shaun wants me to treat all decisions we make as if he's not going to get selected for warrant officer and I don't want to plan my life around the 'what ifs' of nursing school. Annnnnd...come January I'll be getting Shaun's GI Bill ($1300 per month) if I just stay in school. So really we'd only be short my income for 4 months if I don't take the job. Argh!

What would you do?

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Yikes! Lots to think about, but I would lean towards no. Sophia will never be that small again and 11 hours a day is a long time. Praying for you and your decision!!!