Friday, July 22, 2011

"It's too windy in here daddy"

For those that hadn't heard, our basement flooded last weekend during a major storm we had (think 6+ inches in less than 3 hours). It was lovely to wake up to 2 inches of water covering our newly remodeled basement floor. It was also convenient that it happened on our busiest planned day of the summer. We were supposed to head out to two birthday parties and a housewarming party (scaled down from the 2 birthday parties, 2 weddings and 2 housewarmings we had been invited to, June 16th is a popular day!). Me and the kids ventured out while Shaun worked to get 80+ gallons of water from the basement. He then headed out to help the company our neighbor works for in exchange for some professional drying out of our basement.

Yesterday they came over, vented our walls, looked for mold and sprayed a cleaner on our floors to protect from mold. They also put up these huge fans, in addition to our dehumidifiers, to further dry out the basement. It finally doesn't smell so mil-dewy in here!

Evie has been sleeping downstairs with Shaun so that I can use the upstairs room for me and Sophia (alternating between co-sleeping and her sleeping in the swing). Shaun also has the monitor from Lex's room down there so he can take care of any sleep issues with the older two while I focus on Sophia. We all get the most sleep this way. Anyways, so last night we laid Lex down to sleep and then Shaun took Evie down to tuck her into bed. Shaun had to run an errand and I settled in to feed Sophia. About 5 minutes before Shaun got back home Lex started screaming his head off. I was stuck feeding Sophia so I just let him cry it out. When Shaun got home he tried (unsuccessfully) to get Lex back to sleep before remembering that he had left the monitor on next to the bed Evie was sleeping in downstairs. Oops! So he headed downstairs to turn it off and had this conversation with Evie standing at the bottom of the basement stairs -

Evie: Daddy?
Shaun: Yes, babe, did Lex wake you up?
Evie: Yeah, I'm sorry daddy.
Shaun: Oh hun, you have nothing to be sorry about!
Evie: It's not my fault.
Shaun: No, it's not your fault.
Evie: It's your fault daddy!
Shaun: *laughing* Yes, I suppose it is.
Evie: It's too windy in here daddy!

So, in a completely random wrap up of two seemingly unrelated topics, yes it is windy in here but the basement is drying nicely. A shout out to Restoration Professionals for doing a great job and convincing my husband that he wants a second job (as if he's not gone enough as it is!).

1 comment:

Nana said...

This made me tear up laughing. I can just hear the conversation in my head. I am so amused.