Saturday, July 16, 2011

And the decision is...

(this is a part 2, read here if you missed part 1)

I'm not going to take the preschool teaching job. As fun as it would be the cons really do out weigh the pros. All the teachers who currently work there have been there for 10+ years. I don't want to make a commitment to working with them and have to quit if I get into nursing school or if Shaun gets selected for warrant officer. I'd rather she hire someone who plans on sticking around for the long haul. In the mean time I'll be a stay-at-home-mom to Sophia while the older two attend preschool until December and I'll pick up as many shifts as I can at Life Time in the evenings and on weekends. Then, hopefully, I'll start nursing school. If not, I'll start working on my MBA. Might as well if we're going to get $1300 a month in GI Bill benefits and my schooling paid for by the National Guard.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Tough decision but I think you are making the right one. They are only little for such a short time.