Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm baaaaaaaaack!

OMG this blog has sat unused for almost a year! Eeeeks!

No more! I'm going to start posting again. I promise. No, really, I will.

So, what has happened in the past year you ask? In short, a ton. In September of last year I got pregnant again and on May 31st our newest addition joined the family. Sophia was born at 6:15 pm, May 31st, 2011 weighing 7 lbs 1oz at 20 inches tall. Lex is now 21 months old and ever much the typical boy. He's into anything rough-and-tumble, anything mobile (cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, planes, etc), and anything food. He's talking up a storm with full sentences (his first sentence being "I love you", directed at me of course!). He spends most of his days doting on his sisters, playing with or tormenting Evie. Evie, on the other hand, is fast approaching 3! She's potty trained, ever inquisitive (I here "why?" 100 times per day, I swear!), mothering, and a total girly-girl (nothing dirty touches her without a fit ensuing, lol).

Non-kid related...I attended school full time again in hopes of getting into nursing! Still working on that, but kind of in a hold pattern at the moment with applications submitted but no decisions reached yet. I enlisted into the Army National Guard again, got a job at Life Time Fitness, and may be headed back to work as a preschool teacher this fall. In January I totaled my car and then got a van (works so much better for 3 full sized car seats). Shaun's still working like crazy. He's submitting his application to become a warrant officer. If he gets it we're headed to active duty and moving around this time next year to who knows where. I'm excited about that and welcome the changes it would bring.

Anyways, that sums things up in as few words as possible. Here are some
recent pictures of the kids:

The day Sophia was born

Loving big sister and big brother

Daddy reading a bedtime story to his girls

Summer time fun

Or not so fun

Sophia napping

Evie on the kayak

Lex on the kayak

Our sweet Sophia!

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