Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sometimes it just hits me

I really don't know why I do it, but sometimes I get wrapped up in stories that make me cry. I'm sure you've all done that before...ok, maybe not ALL of you, but most. You pick up a book (umm, Jodi Picoult anyone?) or turn on a movie (geez, A Walk to Remember?) that really brings on the tears. But do you know what's 1000 times worse? Getting caught up in a real life story that just breaks your heart.

If you've read my blog since the early days you'll probably remember Maggie. Her's is a story I will never forget. I think about her often to this day. I never thought I'd know someone who lost a baby. I was naive enough to believe that infant death was just a statistic that happened to unknown people out there somewhere. Today I read another such story from a mom in my June '11 group. I knew that she had gone through a loss but today was the first day I felt strong enough to get to know her and her family better through our virtual world connection. I just marvel at the strength these women have. They're not able to turn off the computer when it gets to be too much emotion to confront.

Sometimes it just hits me how unbelievably lucky we are to have the three wonderfully healthy, happy children that we do. I try not to take any day we're together for granted. Even the days like today when my patience has been pushed to the max.

Extra hugs and kisses all around tonight!

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