Friday, December 5, 2008

Ready to talk about it

Well...I lost my job due to breast feeding. They were unhappy with my feeding/pumping schedule. Yep, 100% illegal. And yes, we've contacted a lawyer and are looking into a wrongful termination suit. The corporate office offered to give me a job back but not until after the holidays. Doesn't help us much for losing a month of pay.

So, the moral of the story, do NOT take your kids to NEW HORIZON ACADEMY!!!!!


Dream Girl said...

I am so sorry. I hope you have a good lawyer and can get something out of New Horizon because that is just horrible! They can't get away with it.

Strand Family said...

Wow! That's ridiculous! One, the irony of it being a day care and two that Minnesota was the first state in the country to pass pumping at work laws. Nothing new, people!
Personally, I say forget the chain centers and try to find a family run local center or in home...they are much more accomodating to parents then the national chain day cares.
Good luck with the lawyer!

Anna said...


that's ridiculous. and you totally should take it as far as you can.

Good Luck and let me know if you need anything!