Friday, August 12, 2011

Mom's favorite things: the first

There are so many things people don't tell you bout being parents. Perhaps it's because whatever they should be warning you about is something that sneaked up on them so slowly over time that it just became part of their new normal as parents so they just never think to warn you. Or, perhaps, I was told everything and I just didn't listen. #thiscouldbetrue

One such example would be the utter lack of privacy you will get from the moment you bring your baby home start labor become pregnant. Don't even get me started on the complete lack of personal space random strangers afford you as a pregnant woman or the number of medical types you'll encounter during your pregnancy/labor/delivery/postpartum period. That tiny little creature you and your partner created will forever more drain you of your personal time and space. Most of the time you're happy about this; occasionally you're not.

So this leads me to my first mom favorite: doors that lock!

You never realize just how much you need that lock on the bathroom door until you have mobile kids. If they had it their way you'd never get a moment to yourself in the bathroom. There's something about that room that's a vortex calling to kids.

The second most important door lock is the locking bedroom door. Unfortunately, with the way our house is set up, we don't have a lock on our bedroom door. Evie has ventured down into our bedroom uninvited in the past. There's nothing creepier than hearing a whisper from over the side of your bed at 3 am, lol. At least we've been lucky enough that she hasn't ventured in at a *ahem* more undesirable time. Our next house will include a bedroom door that locks.

Really, any door in the house that locks has the potential to be your friend. There will days where you feel yourself about to lose your cool, those days where the kids seem to know every button you have and they have a desire to push each and every one. Five or ten minutes with a locked door between you and the kids can be a lifesaver on those days!

User beware though!

Just as locks on doors can be your friend they can also ruin your day quickly. A very important tip: always, always bring your keys with you if you have to run outside for anything, for any amount of time. Trying to convince a giggling almost 3 year old to unlock a door is not fun.


syversda said...

is it wrong that I am sooooo amused?

Strand Family said...

Our bathroom door does not's like we are in a commune or something no matter how many times we tell her not to come in. And she ends up in our bed almost every night...sigh...I may need to get rid of all these pretty 1920's original door knobs and get some locks!