Monday, March 24, 2008

Perfect time for a vacation

Things had been getting pretty hectic around the house lately. I had been contem- plating quitting my job for several months and after much talking and tally making we decided it would be best. I don't plan on being able to stay at home with the baby but I needed a job that was more attuned to the needs and wants of a new mom. It's scary to make a career change with a baby on the way but my last day will be June 30th. I'm hoping to find a new job by then but if not, we'll make it work (at least that's what I keep telling myself).

So the stress has been building up with the thought of losing the income I bring in, having a baby on the way, gutting and re-doing the basement of our house, etc. A vacation to the Florida coast was just what I needed and I now feel like a new woman...or at least a woman with more stable hormones, lol. Photos from the trip are throughout the post.

During the first couple of days on the trip I started noticing that the baby's kicks were getting stronger and more frequent. Yay! They can now be felt from the outside and pretty constantly throughout the day. A large portion of the trip I spent time just feeling and enjoying the kicking. This pregnancy feels more and more real everyday.

Unfortunately, Shaun was unable to go on the vacation with me. His work wouldn't let him take the time off and the same day I got home he had to leave for Indiana so I haven't seen him in a little over a week and I won't be seeing him until next weekend. It also means that he hasn't been able to feel the baby kick yet. I can't wait for him to get home so he can experience this with me. Every change that has been happening throughout this pregnancy makes him get these huge smiles that are contagious.

Other than that there isn't much new around here. We are one week out from the ultrasound appointment and I'm getting more impatient with each day that passes. I took a poll of some friends and family and a majority (about 75%) are guessing boy while the rest (about 25%) are guessing girl. Can't wait until we find out!!!

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