Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Getting to where we are

The best place to start would be the beginning. Both Shaun and I have always wanted to be parents. While we were dating we talked about it a lot and dreamed about how many kids we would have. I think the number still hangs around 3 or 4.

When we decided to start trying to get pregnant the first step was to stop the birth control. By this point I had been on Depo for 3+ years and I knew getting off of it would take awhile and all the literature I was reading said it could take up to a year to get pregnant. If I had known about that ahead of time I probably wouldn’t have been using it as my preferred method of bc. Oh well, hind sight, right?

About 4 months after going off of Depo I ran across a charting website called Fertility Friend where I could chart what was happening with my body in order to better my chances at getting pregnant. Those first few months my cycles were messed up. I didn’t let it get to me, though, since the Depo was probably still in my system.

By February of 2007 I was successfully ovulating on my own (yay!). That meant that theoretically I should have been able to get pregnant. However, it didn’t happen until December 2007. There were a few disappointing doctor’s appointments along the way, but ultimately we ended up conceiving naturally.

Right around 5 weeks there was a scare with bleeding but an exam followed by blood tests reassured us that the baby was thriving! We had planned on waiting to tell our families but we are terrible about keeping secrets and told everyone right away. Everyone was happy for us (with the exception of one aunt I’d prefer to not talk about) and things have been great thus far.

To date we have had 3 appointments with our wonderful midwife and we have heard the baby’s heartbeat twice. Later this month we will have our anatomy scan and will find out the gender of the baby!! I’ll post pictures when we have them.

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