Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm stuck

I was all ready to post video from Christmas for my next entry but we left the video camera at my dad's yesterday. Bummer. So you're stuck with a written post from me :)

Evie's newest word is "stuck". This simple word has become enormously helpful as the screeching noise she made whenever she got stuck put it nicely. Now she'll push around her new baby stroller until she gets tangled up in a blanket, or caught on Lex's swing, and simply say that she's stuck. It's her way of asking us to help her move without the screeching noise resembling nails on a chalkboard.

Christmas was a hectic, but fun holiday this year. Evie learned how to open presents on her own and was more interested in the festivities then last year. It was exciting to see her run around with her cousins (second cousins or first cousins once removed - how does that naming of cousins work?). I think the kids' toys have officially outgrown our house. Don't know how we're going to stock toys if we're stilling living here when their birthdays come around!

We had originally planned to head up north today for some fun in the snow, but everyone in the house is sick in some form or another. Anything from runny noses to throwing up. Maybe if we're feeling better tomorrow we can find a local hill to go sledding!

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