Monday, June 15, 2009

Another round of teething

Looks like Evie is going to have another tooth break through any day now. I can see it off to the right of her front two teeth on the bottom. She's cranky as can be and started in with a fever this morning. Hopefully it's through soon!

Also, tonight is the start of swim lessons! Be prepared for a swim suit wordless Wednesday this week!

**I just realized the old blog background was covered in snowflakes! It was time to update, so I did :-)


Strand Family said...

I hope she feels better soon! I've got a toothless 9 month old. We go for her check up tomorrow so i'll find out if this is a problem. Penelope starts swimming class tomorrow.

MommaBear said...

Have fun at swimming today! Our class was fun. Judging by the amount of drool in the new pics of Miss Penelope, there's got to be some teeth coming in for her soon!