Tuesday, June 16, 2009

10 months old

Agh! Where has the time gone? Yes, I say this every time, I know. I was looking at Evie while she ate pancakes and strawberries for breakfast this morning and realized her highchair no longer swallows her up. She’s getting so big. We’re actually into size 4 diapers this week.

What she’s been up to developmentally:

Speaking of eating, she'll eat anything and everything (except fresh bananas). Most of the time I just give her smaller bites of whatever I'm having. She loves to feed herself. We're mostly off of baby food and she's at 4 bottles a day and 3 meals. Still can't get her to use a sippy cup, but we keep trying.

She’s still not crawling but we’re getting closer each day. She could scoot backwards forever and I’ve seen her go forward once. She can get herself onto hands and knees now, but doesn’t know what to do once she gets there. She’ll turn in circles and flip herself over, especially when she’s supposed to be sleeping. The crib seems to be the favorite place to practice any tummy techniques lately.

She’s still talking up a storm. Non-stop chatter most of the time she’s awake. In public places it takes her a bit to warm up, but once she’s comfortable off she’ll go. She’s saying Dada, Mama, Ya, No and infrequently throwing in Hi and Bye. Vigorous head shaking accompanies No and hand waving goes with Hi and Bye. She’s also sticking her tongue out (while blowing raspberries) and clicking her tongue.

She loves to clap and throw her hands up for ‘how big’. She’s learned to anticipate the praise for doing something and will start clapping for herself before you get a chance to do it. For example: You ask her how big she is and she’ll throw her hands in the air for .2 seconds then pull them down and start clapping while saying yay.

Last night was the first night of swim lessons for her. I was slightly worried about how this would go over. She’s been in the pool once before and she looked terrified. She was only happy clinging to me. But last night she did great. All smiles from the moment we hit the water until we got out. She was one of the youngest there and was the loudest, most splashing of the group. She was fearless. We did this thing where we threw balls a few feet in front of us and had the babies “swim” to get the ball. She laid out flat on her tummy, stretched out her hands, and kicked her feet until we got to the ball. Lol, the kid’s a natural. They also had these things they called torpedoes. Basically two noodles joined together with a bit of meshing between them. Evie laid belly down on the mesh, put her hands up on the noodles to keep her head mostly out of the water, and kicked her legs while we moved about the pool. She was even putting her face into the water from time to time. Can’t wait to go back next week!

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