Wednesday, August 6, 2008

38/39 weeks and still going

Argh. So I changed the title of one of the last posts and this one since I have two due dates I'm going off of. The ultrasound dated me at being due Aug. 14th (which puts me at 38w6d today) but, and I know technically this is more accurate, ovulation dates me at being due Aug. 20th (38w0d today).

Either way, I'm in that "'OMG! You must be ready to pop any day!' comments from strangers" phase. That phase where I'm thinking "Oh, geez, baby I love you, and I love the fact that I got pregnant, but GET OUT!"

My belly button no longer exists, the stretch marks are out in all their glory, I officially don't sleep more than 1.5 hours at a time, my feet have left my field of vision, contractions are a constant, any movement on my part takes tremendous effort, and I've gained more weight than I thought possible. Therefore, I do think it is time to have this baby. She just doesn't seem to want to cooperate.

So, this morning was my 38 week appointment according to the midwife's dating (based on ovulation) and she now considers me full term. Therefore, she feels comfortable doing things to naturally induce labor. This includes a nifty little trick called membrane sweeping. Ick. Ouch. Not fun. However, if it kick starts labor, I'm all for it! I'm now 2 cm dilated and the baby's head is definitely engaged. I keep forgetting to ask about effacement and station so I don't know those numbers.

Overall, there's more progress being made! Keep fingers crossed that this little one doesn't want to be overdue!

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