Wednesday, July 23, 2008

36/37 weeks and making progress

It feels so good to be at this point! Well, in the sense that it's almost over. The constant pressure this little one is putting on my lower abdomen is not so great. The appointment with the midwife yesterday did confirm that I am starting to dilate, if only at 1-1.5 cm, and the baby is engaging (no wonder the waddling has gotten so bad).

On a down note, our midwife informed us that she will be in Seattle the entire week of our due date because her son is having open heart surgery. So our appointment yesterday was to meet with her backup. I really liked her too, so that is good, but her nurse is definitely not among my favorites. I think she's fairly new and just didn't really know what she was doing. She seemed more nervous than anything else. I felt like telling her..."well now you should be taking my blood pressure" and "if you're going to measure my fundal height you really should start the tape measure here"...things like that.

Anyways, the internal was not the greatest of experiences and I'm not looking forward to more, but whatever she did made contractions and cramps a constant yesterday. There were even a couple of hours where I was contracting every 10 mins! Here's to hoping the baby doesn't want to come late!

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