Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's resolution

Shaun and the kids don't know it yet, but I've dubbed 2012 the year our family gets organized! I'm not sure if any of you readers know this, so I'll let you in on a secret...having 3 kids less than three years apart makes life kinda hectic, lol. I'm not complaining about it; I love it. The only problem is I feel like things are out of control around here. I'm not a good housekeeper *shock* I never have been, and having kids just compounds that fact.

I'm setting a New Year's resolution to get this house running like a well oiled machine. I've attempted this before but now I've got a plan, and a plan that is manageable that I can start in small steps. I'm going to try FlyLady's process again and adapt it to our family needs. I'm now meal planning a month at a time, clipping coupons weekly, and making a healthy dinner nightly. I have set times each week for studying, cleaning, grocery shopping, and laundry - that I will stick to, most importantly.

I might throw out some posts dedicated to organization this next year to help keep myself on track.

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