Thursday, November 19, 2009

How's life with two babies

Absolutely wonderful for the most part, especially when Shaun is around. It's really taxing when he's out of town, but I'm sure it will get easier as the kids get older.

So it's finally time for some updates. Evie is standing on her own frequently now. She's also taking 5-6 steps at a time and could take more/walk full time with a little more confidence. Sometimes it seems as though she's learning a new word everyday. That kid just talks and talks. We've been going to a lot of play dates lately and it's really fun to see her interact with the other kids her age.

We're starting to transition her to a toddler bed so that we don't need another crib when Lex is ready to sleep in one. Tonight is only night two that she's successfully fallen asleep in it. Some nights she seems terrified when I turn off the lights and close the door. Tonight I left the door open and she stayed in bed until she fell asleep. Maybe she's just scared with the door closed.

Lex is a typical little 2 month old. He's smiling now, which is fun. I like when babies start to interact more. He's also finding his voice and giving me coo's every so often. Earlier this week he went 7 hours between feeds. Would have been amazing if he slept that whole time, but he was awake for 3 hours. He's doing about 3-4 hour stretches at night right now.

Seeing Evie and Lex together is cute. She takes his pacifier or trys to shove it in his mouth, depending on her own pacifier status. Evie loves to give him kisses, pat his head, and point out/name all his facial features (nose, eye, ear, etc). Just the other day I caught her 'reading' him a book. Eh, she also hit him over the head with it a couple of times...but mostly she was nice to him.

Everything Evie had previously outgrown and is now Lex's she has to try out again on a daily basis, like the swing.

Next week we have Evie's 15 month and Lex's 2 month appointments. I'll update with their stats then.

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