Monday, July 27, 2009

Ooops, missed last week

Well, I missed the Wordless Wednesday last week, obviously. Here's a cute picture from this weekend to make up for it (look at all those teeth!!):

Evie was such a bear that I was spending most of my time comforting a cranky baby. Sorry for the lack of photo updates! Mom suggested that I should have just posted a pic of myself losing my mind (which I was on the cusp of all week). I think she's getting another tooth (number 7 for those keeping count). She also wants to walk all the time, a feat she cannot yet complete on her own, causing her to whine at my side until I take her hands and help her walk. We've been breaking up the cranky times by taking almost daily trips to the gym. This allows for an hour long wonderful workout in the pool for me and 1.5 hours of social time for Evie with someone other than me.

On the progress notes, Evie continues to make advances in development daily. Her favorite word of the moment is "bear". Most of the time she applies it to her teddy bears, occasionally misusing it to label...well...everything else she points at :-) "Dada" is also a favorite that she does correctly associate with Dad. She's still not calling me mom, but we're working on it. She's more consistently using "hi" and "bye" and gives the most fantastic kisses. I think she can crawl (I've seen her move forward on hands and knees) but she prefers the butt scooting for some reason. It's much slower than crawling but at least she's easier to keep up with!

And the newest development - she's finally getting into a sitting position on her own from her belly! This is great development wise but has taken a HUGE toll on bedtime. She gets into the crib and just sits up...over and over again. No matter how tired she is. The past two nights it has taken her 1.5 hours to fall asleep! She still gets up at the same time in the morning too, so she's still cranky during the day. Here are a couple pictures from last night's attempt at putting her to bed. Notice in the one that she's trying to stand too! Oh boy, bedtime is going to be fun over the next couple of weeks.

As for baby #2, we've made it to 30 weeks! I'm on every-other week appointments with the midwife and very much looking forward to the end of the pregnancy. Full term is in 7 weeks, due date is in 10. I really hope to deliver sometime in that 3 week time frame. Anything before or after is unacceptable (lol, listen up little one!). No really, going late isn't an option. We're flying to Jane's wedding (getting excited?) just over 2 weeks after the due date. Also, if the baby decides to come earlier there's a real chance he'll go unnamed. No progress made there yet, either. Hopefully Shaun and I can agree on a name before we leave the hospital!

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